Respite Care

Taking pride in providing the very best health care.

Respite Care

Peace of Mind

Respite Care is the short-term temporary relief for family members from the daily responsibilities of caring for a loved one who is ill, injured or frail. It is an opportunity to “recharge your batteries.”

Deckerville Community Hospital offers short term respite care to provide family members with some time off and peace of mind knowing that their family member is being well cared for. This allows for a more healthy family relationship and time fore the caregiver to focus on his or her own personal needs.

Respite Care

Options to Meet Your Needs

It is important that caregivers be able to participate in outside activities, and getting away for a vacation can be vital. However, it may seem impossible for caregivers to do. There may also be times when you need to have a break because other demands conflict with your caregiving; for example, attending a family function, a child’s activity, a fully day of important errand running, or other situations that arise.

Deckerville Community Hospital is proud to be on of the only facilities in our area that offers short term respite care. We can provide respite care for your loved one for a minimum of 24 hours up to 3 weeks. Our staff monitors and provides around the clock care, giving you the assurance that we will take the best care of your loved one while you “recharge your battery” or take care of other necessities. We would be happy to discuss the levels of care that are available as well as the detailed services we can provide for your loved one by contacting us at (810) 376-2835.

Sanilac County Walk to Remember is offering support to family caregivers. Each qualified family member is allowed up to $750 per 6-month period to help pay for respite care.

Respite Care

Contact Us


3559 Pine Street, Deckerville, MI 48427


810-376-2835 ext. 271

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